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分享 换届
2011.5.15 23:56
在过去的几个月里,有些人写信来要求我关于中国明年即将开始的权力交接做一个简要介绍。新旧国家 主席和国务院总理的权力交接在媒体中引起了大量的猜测,人们关注谁会成为新的领导人以及这意味着 什么。然而,有时候回顾一些基本原则是非常有用的,因为中国有一个独特的甚至在某些方面看来十分 ...
1575 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Childhood music lessons may provide lifelong boost in brain functioning: study
2011.4.21 11:22
WASHINGTON, April 20 (Xinhua) -- Those childhood music lessons could pay off decades later -- even for those who no longer play an instrument -- by keeping the mind sharper as people age, according to a preliminary study published by the American Psychologica ...
1120 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 十个著名思想实验
2011.4.20 23:55
10.电车难题(The Trolley Problem) “电车难题”是伦理学领域最为知名的思想实验之一,其内容大致是:一个疯子把五个无辜的人绑在电车轨道上。一辆失控的电车朝他们驶来,并且片刻后就要碾压到他们。幸运的是,你可以拉一个拉杆,让电车开到另一条轨道上。但是还有一个问题,那个疯子在那另一条轨道上也绑了一个人 ...
974 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Health and IQ
2011.4.10 22:26
Proper childhood nutrition appears critical for cognitive development ; malnutrition can lower IQ. For example, iodine deficiency causes a fall, in average, of 12 IQ points. It is expected that average IQ in third world countri ...
1120 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 中国各事业单位全面改革
2011.4.10 10:16
未来5年,将是事业单位改革最为艰苦的攻坚阶段,剥离、重塑的阵痛在所难免,真正的考验到来了   从党的十四大提出事业单位分类改革的目标算起,中国特有的“事业单位”改革已经走过了19年历程。其间,相关的人事聘用、机构编制、管理体制、绩效工资、养老保险等改革和试点细水长流般地延宕至今。其间,各种试探、揣测 ...
1058 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 What is love?
2011.4.9 22:14
"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not b ...
1004 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Best Power Foods for Working Out
2011.4.9 01:34
Bananas Every day, you make food choices. Turkey bacon or regular? Whole grain toast or bagel? Milk or juice? The food choices we make each day have an effect on moods, energy levels or something as simple as satisfying a craving. For those who exercise, choosing the right fo ...
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